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Broccoli Microgreen Powder


Broccoli microgreen powder provides the advantage of convenience and versatility. It can easily be added to smoothies, juices, salad dressings, or other recipes, allowing individuals to reap the benefits of microgreens without having to consume large quantities of fresh microgreens. 30 servings. Net weight 12 g (.04 oz)

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  • Made from fresh broccoli microgreens
  • 1/4 tsp is nutritionally equivalent to 1.5 USDA servings of vegetables
  • Mild tasting, easy to mix powder can be added to any food or drink
  • Great for those looking for more vegetables, picky eaters and children
  • Soil grown and freeze dried to presearve phytonutrients
  • 30 servings. Net weight 12 g (.04 oz)
  • Now taking orders with expected delivery in 3-4 weeks

Broccoli microgreen powder provides the advantage of convenience and versatility. It can easily be added to smoothies, juices, salad dressings, or other recipes, allowing individuals to reap the benefits of microgreens without having to consume large quantities of fresh microgreens.





Weight 0.25 oz

.04 oz

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