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Q & A with Dr. Dan

Hello everyone! I thought I would answer some commonly asked questions I receive when I do the Farmers Markets. Hopefully this fully educates you on the use and benefits of microgreens. What are Microgreens? Microgreens are the stem and leaf of many plants, typically harvested after 10-14 days of growth. They exibit the same flavor

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Autophagy, yes that subject we talk about everyday. Wait, what? So what are we talking about? Let’s look at what it is, why we want it and how can we make it happen. Autophagy is a “process by which a cell breaks down and destroys old, damaged, or abnormal proteins and other substances in its

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The Amazing Microgreen

Microgreens, how can a little plant have so much flavor and nutrition? Microgreens have been in the market place since at the 90’s when a San Francisco chef began growing them for his restaurant. We know what amazingconcentrated flavor they have in each bite. They are also very versatile for use with wraps, burgers, eggs,

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